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VP Fiasco In Minnesota, USA

22 May

Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka addressed Kenyans living in the Twin Cities, Minnesota and following his speech, my source tells me things got rather very heated. In particular, my source tells me the Q&A session was very heated and the VP was “dodgy” in answering questions to the point people became upset with his slick answers especially on voting rights for diaspora war in Somalia and he was at one point booed very loudly.

The source describes the situation as being “very messy” but the VP managed to calm the temperatures by saying he will push for diaspora vote.

On the illegal County Commissioner appointments by Kibaki, the VP shifted blame to Saitoti then said the “ODM-K person in charge of the committee” will follow up on these appointments which is another way of saying kaeni ivyo ivyo.

According to the source, however, the VP was overwhelmed with the tough questioning and only calmed down after police were called and ejected several people from the venue who were asking or about to ask tough questions of the VP.

More police officers were called after the ejections and according to the source, the venue became more like a war-zone.

I have been around for a long time but do not recall when such heavy police presence was called on Kenyans and I have seen from the best to the worst visit and address Kenyans here in the US.

Simply put, this is a disgrace to call the police on Kenyans whose only desire was to engage their leaders in discourse peacefully and the VP should be ashamed, not that he is capable.

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About Samuel N. Omwenga

I am originally and ultimately from Kenya. I live and practice law in the Washington, DC area. I enjoy reading and writing and when time allows, I like taking my family out on nature excursions. My Pet Peeve: Things that move slowly without a good reason.


Posted by on May 22, 2012 in Politics


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3 Responses to VP Fiasco In Minnesota, USA

  1. Me

    May 23, 2012 at 5:59 AM

    Where are the pics you liars?

  2. Hesira M. Keya

    May 23, 2012 at 8:26 AM

    If the glove doesn’t fit, acquit! And if a story doesn’t jive? We no longer live in a time period where “he said, she said” was the acceptable norm. These days any account of events must be backed or supported with a ‘YouTube Moment’ recorded by an i-witness (or i-witenesses) who were present. Smart phones are part of daily life. Readers expect no more, no less.

  3. shukrani

    May 23, 2012 at 9:08 AM

    Totally true VP finally relented saying he would work in diaspora voting,obviously he realized maturity of Kenyan voters in the diaspora I was there.Eventually cool heads prevailed but how embarrassing to hv police grabbing microphones away from wananchi,this business of fooling everyone ended,by the way majority of us went because of the popularity of our own ambassador who is well loved by Kenyans here period,we expected the vp to do what he knows best,katikati neither here nor there.


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